Elementary Library hours: 7:45 a.m. - 3:15 p.m. daily. Students may come for book return/checkout, A. R. testing, and prizes during this time.

Accelerated Reader
Accelerated Reader is a very useful tool in promoting reading stamina and fluency as well as reading comprehension and confidence in readers of all ages. Our goal is to encourage and celebrate the love of reading for every single Elementary student throughout the year! We want all MCS elementary students to be excited about reading and visiting the Library as often as possible!
Our Accelerated Reader “Home Connect” page is designed to help parents keep track of their student’s reading goals and progress. To access, please click the AR Home Connect link below. Your child’s username & password are required to log in.

Elementary students are rewarded with prizes for earning points by passing AR reading quizzes all year long!
AR Prize List 2024-25
5 – pencil
10 – smelly eraser OR bouncy ball
15 – pencil sharpener
20 – mini football OR squishy
25 – FREE Bahama Bucks snow cone
30 – MCS fun gear OR +5 on an assignment
35 – spirit candy OR fun pen
40 – backpack keychain OR chalk board creation
45 – rubber ducky OR +10 on an assignment
50 – hat pass OR snack
60 – ‘Book Nook Swap’ OR ring pop
70 – pajama pass OR travel-size game
80 – mini stuffed animal OR letter board creation
90 – Teacher chair pass OR giant foam finger
100 – AR shout out, 100 point t-shirt & Mustang Claw Game
125 – tell a joke on the announcements OR Choose the PE game for your class
150 – Read to a class of your choice OR UnIqUeLy YoU pass
175 – lunch with a friend in the SLC OR ‘Junior Library Assistant’
250 – Electronics PARTY
300 – Patio games PARTY
400 – Popcorn & a Movie PARTY
500 – SONIC drink delivered to your classroom
750 – Principal for an hour OR PE Coach for your class (one period)
1,000 – $100 gift card of your choice