

Main Numbers

Main Office & Admissions: 432-694-1661

FAX: 432-694-5281

Elementary: 432-694-4027

After-School Care: 432-262-8194

Email Inquiries

Physical Address:

2001 Culver Drive, Midland, Texas 79705

The Main Office vehicle entrance is located at the corner of Culver Dr. and Sinclair Ave. Visitor Parking is just inside, in front of the flag poles.

Midland Christian School - Game Gym - McGraw Events Center

Physical Address:

1901 Northrup Drive, Midland, Texas 79705

Midland Christian School - Football Field

Physical Address:

2101 Culver Drive, Midland, Texas 79705

Midland Christian School - Thomason Gym

Physical Address:

2001 Culver Drive, Midland, Texas 79705

Thomason Gym Parking

For Thomason Gym Events, we suggest you park in our Visitor Parking in front of the Main Office - this is accessed at the corner of Culver and Sinclair. Visitors, please check in at the Main Office.

Midland Christian School - Lee Student Life Center

Physical Address:

2001 Culver Drive, Midland, Texas 79705

The Lee Student Life Center is located at the south end of our Football Field. Visitor Parking for the SLC is across Northrup, just to the West of the SLC.

Annual Notification 2015-16 School Year

Midland Christian School, in order to comply with AHERA, the Asbestos Hazards Emergency Response Act, regulations promulgated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and enforced by the Texas Department of State Health Services maintains an Asbestos Management Plan (hereinafter referred to as the Plan) in its administrative offices. The Plan specifies the locations and types of asbestos-containing building materials that may be present in school facilities if any. The Plan is available for review in the administrations' offices during normal school hours. Copies of the Plan may be obtained with a written request. A charge will be assessed for each copy requested.
